Unknown to most

Friday, May 02, 2008

Blessed 2 Bless!!

We are living in a world where the
above axiom is anything but
foreign to us. It's so easy to
keep the blessings to ourselves.

You & I need to be blessed in
order to be a blessing to others.
We need to FIRST be loved, and love
ourselves (some people might disagree
with me here!) or be able to love
ourselves in order that we
can LOVE
others. How can we love when we do
not know what love is all about,
when we are unable to love even
ourselves? The 2nd greatest
commandment: "Love thy neighbours
AS THYSELF" (my emphases)
holds true. more..

If we grow up in a hate environment,
how easy it is to hate others. How
can we really be expected to love
in such an environment until and
unless we are first loved....by
God and then by our own selves
first. If we don't accept God's love
or WANT to love ourselves we will
not be able to know how it is to
love others in a proper fashion
(1 John 4:10,11,19).

In other words,
We must know in experience
what it is to be loved first, or
to love ourselves, e.g.,
to know the joy of HAVing or USing
something good or profitable,
before we can share it (of course,
there are exceptions to this).
Unless we do that, we dare not share,
lest we share something
that is unacceptable with, or worst
still offensive to, others. Hence,
experience precedes sharing.

The needs in this world are
so great!

So, please let's SHARE it, that
others may come to know how
MUST " taste and see..."
(Psalm 34:8).


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