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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Work for Heaven's Rewards

Earlier, I shared about the futility of working to get to Heaven.

If you have not read it, click below for this month's entry titled,

'Ticket to Heaven'

to find out how you can get your FREE ticket to Heaven, if you haven't received one yet.

We don't work to enter Heaven!

We must work for Heaven's rewards! We work for them only AFTER we have received the ticket to Heaven, but never before that. Otherwise, everything you've ever worked for will be disqualified (i.e., burned even before it reaches Heaven!)

> But why work for Heaven's rewards?
*Jesus invited us to:

"Don't lay up treasures on earth where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. But lay up treasures for yourself in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume and where thieves don't break in and steal. For where your heart is, that's where your heart is also." (Matthew 6:19-21)

*And if the Maker of Heaven and earth said so, who are we to say otherwise?
*That is not selfishness, it is true wisdom or insight indeed! (Daniel 12:3a)

>How to work for Heaven's reward?
*Love God and love others as yourself (the two greatest of all commandments)
*Pray constantly --seek Him (Hebrews 11:1; Matthew 6:6)
*Win lost souls for the Kingdom of God (Daniel 12:2-3b)
*Do God's will (generally speaking)

We must first have the right motive. The most important thing is, we must love because He first loved us. We do it out of gratefulness to God for what He has done for us--in sending the greatest gift of all times (His Son, Jesus Christ) to us in order to make it possible for the whole human race to be saved through faith in Jesus Christ. (1 John 4:19)

So don't be ashamed of actively sending up deposits to your heavenly account. You are not ashamed when you have money to deposit in your own bank account(s) here on earth, are you? Yet your money on earth will not last forever. But the deposits you send to heaven will endure forever.

Why not start today?

Ask God fervently and believingly and expectantly what He wants you to do for your life. He will show you the way (Matthew 7:7, Psalm 37:3-4).

Are you ashamed of encouraging other fellow believers to invest in Heaven? If not, please do it. You will be rewarded for that too.


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