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Friday, May 18, 2007

Set Your Priorities Right

A speech I recently delivered is entitled the above.
I summarise it as follows:

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

I’d say: All work and no God makes Jack a stupid boy!
And all play and no God is pure folly!

Stop your vices, and sin no more! Engaging in the
pleasures of this life, and leaving God out of
your life is in vain. Repent and believe,
and you shall be saved from eternal damnation!

Armaggeddon (final global conflicts) and death
may come sooner than you think.

Yolanda King, first child of Martin Luther King Jr.,
that famous civil activist, died a few days ago. She
was healthy, happy; she was 51, only 51 (at least
30 years short of her nation’s average lifespan)!
All of a sudden, quite unexpectedly, she was gone!!
Her cousin, Isaac Newton Farris, CEO of the King
Center, together with others, reportedly expressed
shock. "Why?"

As I was challenged myself, I challenged my
listeners to put the Lord God Almighty first,
to trust and obey Him. I exhorted them not to
worry about their daily needs not being met
because He really does care, just like He cares
for the birds. And God also clothes the fields
with beautiful flowers, which not even King
Solomon in all his glory could compare with.
Birds and flowers do not labour or strive;
yet they thrive! How much more will the
Father in heaven look after you!

The trouble with most of us is we desire too
much more than basic necessities.

What are your treasures? Gold, gals or glory?
Or God? What do you set your eyes and heart
on? That’s where your treasure is, Jesus said.

You can’t have two masters!

Are you giving your life to something big
enough? Something which will last forever!
Or are you passing through this world and
wasting time, giving your soul to temporal
things, which have no eternal value?

Are you a man or woman of God’s Word? All
things will be destroyed, but not His Word.

Are you winning souls, which are
everlasting? (Daniel 12:2, 3)

FIRST priority should be: Seek God’s kingdom
and His righteousness, ……He’ll provide all
your needs (Matt. 6:33)

Come what may, don’t worry. GOOD, not GOD, is
the enemy of Best; the Best is OBEDIENCE to Him!

The time’s NOW!!

Time and tide wait for no man!

The whole world is worthless compared to your
soul! What can you gain if you lose your
soul in pursuit of worldly things?

Jim Elliot says,

“ He is no fool who gives what he cannot
keep to gain what he cannot lose.

Faith is being ready to give up ALL
your own desires for God. ”

Remember: we only have one life!

What are you giving your life to?

Friends, let’s set our priorities RIGHT !!


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