Unknown to most

Thursday, December 20, 2007

YOU!!! I Call You BLESSED!

I call you BLESSED because some two thousands
years ago,

the One who was called Emmanuel (God with us),
also known as



Mighty God,

Everlasting Father,

Prince of Peace,

stooped down by taking on human flesh and blood.

He, the Sinless One,

having lived humbly for some thirty three years
on this minute planet, of all planets and
heavenly bodies,

blessed you and me with His precious blood
by willingly shedding it on the Cross for
our unmerited forgiveness.

He, the Lamb of God,

was raised on the thrid day
from the death (a penalty meant for the
worst of criminals!), which He did not

and after forty days, returned to Glory.

He, the Resurrection & the Life,

is going to COME AGAIN
to take us to Himself
so we will always be with Him, the Infinite One,

(Isaish 9:6; Phil 2: 6-11; 1 Thes 4:16-17)

Remember this coming Christmas Day:

A mystery of mysteries,
A wonder of wonders!


He took on finite life that
you and I can have infinite life!

Please be sure you have the latter since
it has been given free of charge to us,
at His cost.

Wishing you all a Great CHRISTmas
and truly BLESSED years to come!


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