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Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Thankful Spirit --- An Antedote to Complaining

A cheerful heart comes from a thankful
spirit. What are the benefits?

A merry (cheerful) heart doeth good like
a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth
the bones.. –Proverbs 17:22

When our bones are dry, it spells disaster
for our health. I think I have briefly
explained that in my book, The Amazing Heart.
The reverse is true. A joyful, positive
spirit is health-giving.

Let’s cultivate a cheerful, positive
spirit by giving thanks ALWAYS to the
Giver of good gifts. “Rejoice always...
pray without ceasing...give thanks in
(NOT for) all circumstances.” This
expresses our faith in Him.
–1 Thes 5:16-18

The above antedote should stop our
murmurings or complaining about various
unpleasant things that may come our way.


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