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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stirring You Up to Good Works—It’s Within Your Power to Help Heal!

I recently wrote to a brother-in-the-Lord this electronic
letter (I’ve extracted it, modified it slightly, and
published it here for the benefit of those interested in
doing good deeds):

Dear Bro xxxxxx,

Please read to the end (especially, the last few
paragraphs. which is my way of applying Heb 10:24
....."stir up one another to love and good works.").

It is indeed within our power,
with the products we have, to do a lot of good! We
literally have that power now, I believe! We don't
have to be like that Rabbi (full time ministers /
pastors, missionaries, etc. in today's term) or
that Levite (today's equivalent: full time worship
leaders or other full time workers) who are too
pre-occupied or too busy to do the work which is
central to God's heart—the 2nd Greatest
Commandment: mercy and love, which are manifested
in good deeds. Refer Lk 10:25-37; Gal 6: 9, 10
(...do good to all people, especially to the
household of faith .....this is God's command;
it's not an option); Tit 3:8.

Ephesians 2:10 (New English Bible) says:

"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ
Jesus to DEVOTE1 ourselves to the good deeds
for which God has designed us."

Lest we be called to
give an account
for not obeying this command…

Besides sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are
commanded to love in other ways. This ministry is
one of the main ways to love our brethrens and
others (main way, because too many of God's people
are perishing and suffering! Prematurely! I.e., if
we are so led by the Lord to focus on this mercy
ministry, we MUST do so. Nevertheless, even if we
are not directed by the Spirit to be involved
directly or full-time in this ministry, do we
have a choice not to share when we know that we
can help out in this area?

Let's not spend too much time in analyzing. We do
not have to understand the workings of a car fully
to drive one, or of a bus to sit in one. There's
a saying that goes:

“Too much analysis leads to paralysis.”

I have seen this to be so true even in the physical realm.
I have seen many people, including Christians, who
tarry in making decisions concerning what they
understand is the right thing to do, only to find
themselves getting a stroke, or heart attack, getting
into a coma or suffering in more ways than one, not
to mention even dying young. Too many people love
their money too much to spend it on their loved ones
or themselves. What does the Lord have to say here?
"Love thy neighbors as thyself." We have to start by
taking care of (loving) ourselves first, and then others;
that is the right order of action, not vice versa. Having
wisdom leads to life; so buy it, listen to it, and apply
it to your life, and years will be added to your life.
Want the favor of the Lord? Find wisdom, don't hate
it, and you will find life (I'm not talking about eternal
life in Heaven here, and neither does it mean that in the
Bible). Read Prov 9:8-12; Prov 23:23; Prov 4:10, 11;
Prov 8:35, 36.

Many people love their wealth (money) more than
their health! They work so hard only to find themselves
in pain and sickness later! They earn so much to increase
their bank accounts, but their health accounts are found
wanting, 'coz they can't see why they should invest in
their health and wellness NOW! They'd rather pay much
more heavily to the doctors and hospitals2 later. This
is not wisdom! Hating wisdom (not finding, loving,
following, or applying it in our lives) means loving
death, or leads to destruction and/or death itself
(Prov 8:35, 36; Prov 14:12; Prov 16:25 (repeat of
Prov 14:12, indicating its importance); Hosea 4:6).
Isn't it true that health is wealth?

My thoughts are: why minister only the Word to people
alone? Why not share Gospel and health? Yes, both! I
believe, it's more effective that way. Even Jesus'
ministry was to the needy and the sick, not just sharing
thoughts about the kingdom! Not just visiting the sick
and dying in the hospices and hospitals!

He came that we might be rich, that our lives might be
more abundant. [It's not the will of God that we be sick!
(3 John 2, KJV)]

And abundance includes health and wealth3
...Unless called specifically to be poor like Mother
Theresa (even she had the resources to do many things
including flying overseas to other countries like
Singapore, for whatever reasons), we are not to suffer
lack, for God our Heavenly Father is rich (2 Cor 8:9;
John 10:10; Phil 4:18, 19; Eph 1:3: Eph 3:20,21;
Rom 8:32;…). Isn't this God's intention for us? To
always have enough of everything, and also to always
give generously PLUS always give in abundance for
every good work (2 Cor 9:6-8)!! So besides sharing
the Good News of Jesus Christ and health, may I add
that we are to share wealth as well with others! Correct
me if I am wrong. If we are struggling with our own
needs, is it not high time we looked IN FAITH to our
rich Heavenly Father to provide us in abundance so we
can bless others IN ABUNDANCE?

And there are rewards for loving others (Hebrew 6:10-
12, LB)!

The above are my own convictions; please do not be
offended if you don't have the same convictions as I
have. One thing I would like to request you is this:
Kindly look up—and spend some of your precious
time meditating on—the above verses of Scripture,
and pray fervently to see what the Lord would have
you do in regards to a NEW ministry besides the
usual one of sharing the Word of God and praying
for others—a ministry of literally helping the
physically-, emotionally- and mentally-challenged
gain back their health and wellness.


Are you—or Am I—neglecting to do the will of God?

When would you like to start, my brother, if God
so touch your heart with compassion for others?

Looking forward to hearing from you regarding
the ministry to the sick (Lk 10:25-37), and healthy4
people alike. Also Prov 3:27, James 4:17.

Warmest Regards,

Raymond Chee
Email me if you have queries or comments. info@FocusOnTotalHealth.net

NOTE: Anyone who would like to join us in loving
others through mercy ministry, kindly email or
call us.

1 Emphasis mine
2 I have nothing against doctors or hospitals; nor do I
bear any grudge against them.
3 I don’t mean everyone should become a millionaire.
God gives in different measures according to His will
and pleasure; but as the Parable of the Talents reminds
us, the more we are given, the more is expected of us.
4 The healthy also needs to be reached as well because
they may be “healthy” now but sooner or later they will
not be so. The vast majority of people develops various
ailments over time as they age, but this need not be so;
we don’t have to be sick like most people before we die!


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