Unknown to most

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why Many Remain in Valley of Sickness and Suffering?

Why valley?

Because a valley is sandwiched by at least two mountains (areas of resistance, doubts, difficulties and daunting challenges) on both sides; the only option available, it seems to many people, is either up or down the valley. The easier way, of course, is down the valley, not up. So they won’t or can’t go any further than what their limited available means will take them. Their thinking limits them; in other words, their success is limited by their mind, and consequently their effort. Because of the spirit of lack and poverty, they feel that they are doomed to fail. For the weak of hearts and bodies, the valley usually becomes their valley where they stagnate and lose sight of any solution to their predicament. It soon signifies their valley of sickness, premature aging and death. This is the place wherein lay the bones of all the people of old that had once trodden there but found no way out. This is because they did not manage to venture out of it, nor did they have the panoramic views that mountains could provide to enable them to see afar the vast resources (including financial ones), provisions and solutions to their seemingly unsolvable problems. Many people of today are the same. They have somehow lost hope, and what not.

How true the saying, “Where there is no vision, the people perish...” (Prov 29:18)!

So why do many people remain in the valley of sickness, suffering and death? Below are just some of the possibly many reasons (but I think, they are the main ones) that came to my mind:

1. They have a care-less heart, or couldn’t-care-less attitude. They do not know the dangers or the level of risks, perhaps. They don’t want to know how to get out of the valley. In other words, they hate to learn. They ignore, or choose to ignore, what is plain before them or what is said. They just couldn’t be bothered! I’ve met many such people.

2. They deliberately flout health laws, knowing fully well the consequences. They purposely want to have a good time. They love to satisfy the lust for food, or alcoholic drinks, or whatever it may be… They love to gratify the lust of the flesh.

3. Not listening to good reasoning, i.e., they are not open to reason. Instead, they continue to be steeped in their own unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits, and/or all kinds of medical treatments or therapies which may benefit a little, but ultimately are not going to save them from their dire sick state. (See also Reasons #4 and #5 below.)

4. Even if they listened to the right advice, they brush the advice aside. The saying, “Familiarity breeds contempt,” is so true for them. I have a friend who recently said to me, “Tell me something new!” Meaning to say, “I have had enough of what you’ve been sharing. Stop it now!” I meant no harm but good for him. But he did not take it too kindly. He and numerous other similar souls refused to be convinced. They refused to do anything about their chronic health problems, knowing fully well my concerns for them. If they have not acted on what they know the first time round, the second or subsequent times round may be less and less likely for them to do so. Their itching ear longs to hear from someone else that “something new” which they are looking for; but that something new may be the very thing that could hurt them and cost them severely in the medium, if not, the long term. Little do they realize the truth of the saying, “Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” (Prov 27:5, 6)

5. Outright refusal to be corrected, or to change. Points #3 and #4 are connected to this point. “The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise (Prov 15:31).” By rejecting reproofs or advice, they are indeed not wise! In the end, not only do they not receive any benefit; they suffer for it!

6. They are suspicious, or are doubtful, of the party who is trying to help out; for fear that the latter is trying to make money out of them or is simply up to no good. Some people are always untrusting; they always imagine that the whole world is out to get them—to cheat them! So, by their own doing, they missed out on the only life-line that could have taken them out of their trouble or danger within the valley. They are afraid to try new things, or for that matter, anything that can help them.

7. They are not obtaining, or desire to obtain, true knowledge or wisdom. So they go on living and eating as they wish, totally oblivious of the risks. Unawareness, ignorance and foolishness are no bliss. Often, they breed health problems and eventual destruction. The Scripture rings clearly: “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge… (Hosea 4:6a)” Proverbs 18:15 states, “The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.”

8. They don’t see the value of getting out of their situation, or the value of the solution that is placed before them.”

9. For many, even when they see the value, they are too stingy to fork out the money—despite the fact that they can well afford it—to buy back their health. They love their money more than their—or their parents’ or loved ones’—health! Sad, isn’t it?

The above nine reasons will suffice for now. Look out for more reasons next time…

Till then,
Choose right knowledge and vision—


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stirring You Up to Good Works—It’s Within Your Power to Help Heal!

I recently wrote to a brother-in-the-Lord this electronic
letter (I’ve extracted it, modified it slightly, and
published it here for the benefit of those interested in
doing good deeds):

Dear Bro xxxxxx,

Please read to the end (especially, the last few
paragraphs. which is my way of applying Heb 10:24
....."stir up one another to love and good works.").

It is indeed within our power,
with the products we have, to do a lot of good! We
literally have that power now, I believe! We don't
have to be like that Rabbi (full time ministers /
pastors, missionaries, etc. in today's term) or
that Levite (today's equivalent: full time worship
leaders or other full time workers) who are too
pre-occupied or too busy to do the work which is
central to God's heart—the 2nd Greatest
Commandment: mercy and love, which are manifested
in good deeds. Refer Lk 10:25-37; Gal 6: 9, 10
(...do good to all people, especially to the
household of faith .....this is God's command;
it's not an option); Tit 3:8.

Ephesians 2:10 (New English Bible) says:

"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ
Jesus to DEVOTE1 ourselves to the good deeds
for which God has designed us."

Lest we be called to
give an account
for not obeying this command…

Besides sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are
commanded to love in other ways. This ministry is
one of the main ways to love our brethrens and
others (main way, because too many of God's people
are perishing and suffering! Prematurely! I.e., if
we are so led by the Lord to focus on this mercy
ministry, we MUST do so. Nevertheless, even if we
are not directed by the Spirit to be involved
directly or full-time in this ministry, do we
have a choice not to share when we know that we
can help out in this area?

Let's not spend too much time in analyzing. We do
not have to understand the workings of a car fully
to drive one, or of a bus to sit in one. There's
a saying that goes:

“Too much analysis leads to paralysis.”

I have seen this to be so true even in the physical realm.
I have seen many people, including Christians, who
tarry in making decisions concerning what they
understand is the right thing to do, only to find
themselves getting a stroke, or heart attack, getting
into a coma or suffering in more ways than one, not
to mention even dying young. Too many people love
their money too much to spend it on their loved ones
or themselves. What does the Lord have to say here?
"Love thy neighbors as thyself." We have to start by
taking care of (loving) ourselves first, and then others;
that is the right order of action, not vice versa. Having
wisdom leads to life; so buy it, listen to it, and apply
it to your life, and years will be added to your life.
Want the favor of the Lord? Find wisdom, don't hate
it, and you will find life (I'm not talking about eternal
life in Heaven here, and neither does it mean that in the
Bible). Read Prov 9:8-12; Prov 23:23; Prov 4:10, 11;
Prov 8:35, 36.

Many people love their wealth (money) more than
their health! They work so hard only to find themselves
in pain and sickness later! They earn so much to increase
their bank accounts, but their health accounts are found
wanting, 'coz they can't see why they should invest in
their health and wellness NOW! They'd rather pay much
more heavily to the doctors and hospitals2 later. This
is not wisdom! Hating wisdom (not finding, loving,
following, or applying it in our lives) means loving
death, or leads to destruction and/or death itself
(Prov 8:35, 36; Prov 14:12; Prov 16:25 (repeat of
Prov 14:12, indicating its importance); Hosea 4:6).
Isn't it true that health is wealth?

My thoughts are: why minister only the Word to people
alone? Why not share Gospel and health? Yes, both! I
believe, it's more effective that way. Even Jesus'
ministry was to the needy and the sick, not just sharing
thoughts about the kingdom! Not just visiting the sick
and dying in the hospices and hospitals!

He came that we might be rich, that our lives might be
more abundant. [It's not the will of God that we be sick!
(3 John 2, KJV)]

And abundance includes health and wealth3
...Unless called specifically to be poor like Mother
Theresa (even she had the resources to do many things
including flying overseas to other countries like
Singapore, for whatever reasons), we are not to suffer
lack, for God our Heavenly Father is rich (2 Cor 8:9;
John 10:10; Phil 4:18, 19; Eph 1:3: Eph 3:20,21;
Rom 8:32;…). Isn't this God's intention for us? To
always have enough of everything, and also to always
give generously PLUS always give in abundance for
every good work (2 Cor 9:6-8)!! So besides sharing
the Good News of Jesus Christ and health, may I add
that we are to share wealth as well with others! Correct
me if I am wrong. If we are struggling with our own
needs, is it not high time we looked IN FAITH to our
rich Heavenly Father to provide us in abundance so we
can bless others IN ABUNDANCE?

And there are rewards for loving others (Hebrew 6:10-
12, LB)!

The above are my own convictions; please do not be
offended if you don't have the same convictions as I
have. One thing I would like to request you is this:
Kindly look up—and spend some of your precious
time meditating on—the above verses of Scripture,
and pray fervently to see what the Lord would have
you do in regards to a NEW ministry besides the
usual one of sharing the Word of God and praying
for others—a ministry of literally helping the
physically-, emotionally- and mentally-challenged
gain back their health and wellness.


Are you—or Am I—neglecting to do the will of God?

When would you like to start, my brother, if God
so touch your heart with compassion for others?

Looking forward to hearing from you regarding
the ministry to the sick (Lk 10:25-37), and healthy4
people alike. Also Prov 3:27, James 4:17.

Warmest Regards,

Raymond Chee
Email me if you have queries or comments. info@FocusOnTotalHealth.net

NOTE: Anyone who would like to join us in loving
others through mercy ministry, kindly email or
call us.

1 Emphasis mine
2 I have nothing against doctors or hospitals; nor do I
bear any grudge against them.
3 I don’t mean everyone should become a millionaire.
God gives in different measures according to His will
and pleasure; but as the Parable of the Talents reminds
us, the more we are given, the more is expected of us.
4 The healthy also needs to be reached as well because
they may be “healthy” now but sooner or later they will
not be so. The vast majority of people develops various
ailments over time as they age, but this need not be so;
we don’t have to be sick like most people before we die!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Telmisartan! Are you fooling me again?

Telmisartan! This latest in the chain of drugs—an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB)—that is purportedly causing less side effects! Or is it? It’s a drug that doctors are beginning to favor because the old but very, very popular companion (ACE1 inhibitors, an old “faithful” among doctors who prescribed them) of many a heart, stroke, diabetic or kidney patients is not acceptable anymore. Reason for this change in prescription is: ACE inhibitors have caused a terrible cough that can come and go; often, unnoticed or less-noticed undesirable effects that also accompany consumers of these drugs are played down. But you say, “Wasn’t this ‘side effects, not to worry’ attitude, and probably market forces what sprang ACE inhibitors into prominence in the first place? Now why move to another drug when the first “works?”

Is it really only in the name of progress that the switch is being done? The manufacturer says, ‘Yes.’ Of course, manufacturers will always tend to say that, especially when it comes to boosting the sale of their products in question, be they new or existing. (But God only knows the whole truth!)

Changing tactics again? You judge for yourself!

ACE inhibitors have been used to lower high blood pressure (hypertension). “Tell me, isn’t this telmisartan drug, a drug that has been traditionally used to lower hypertension, too?” you ask.

Yes, but a study conducted in Singapore involving 6,000 patients found that it reduces the risk of suffering and dying from cardiovascular death, heart attack or stroke in high-risk cardiovascular patients by 13% over 5 years. This is one of a series of studies, I think, that was most likely financed by the manufacturer itself. If that be so, with all due respect, wouldn't that bring the reliability of the studies into question?

'"…We have followed almost 50,000 telmisartan patients in clinical trials in the last 5 years, and now have experience from daily use of telmisartan summing up to 25 million patient years all over the world. This makes the medication one of the best-researched cardiovascular drugs with an outstanding efficacy and safety/tolerability profile," commented Dr Andreas Barner, vice-chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Boehringer Ingelheim, responsible for Research, Development and Medicine.'2 Efficacy, maybe. But as for safety or tolerability, questionable! Five years of study is simply not long enough to determine much worse possible side effects like kidney failure and liver over-toxicity, which can lead to liver cancer. The liver and/or the kidneys are usually two organs doomed to fail or malfunction when it comes to perpetually sorting out medications besides other toxins, or “garbaz” (as I would call them), since they are detoxing or degarbazing organs that have been subjected to constant overloading and/or abuse!

So certain experts are starting to recommend or prescribe this old drug for a new use, to help patients. Does it sound to you like good entrepreneurship or marketing skill? But will it really help patients in the medium to long term? Is telmisartan really safer than the likes of it, as claimed by these experts? This remains to be seen. I can be sure; telmisartan will be surpassed by some new drug again! And similar reason(s) will be given, yes, again (this is my prediction).

Side effects of ACE-inhibitors include skin rash (with or without itching); swelling of the head or face; joint pain; edema or swelling in the mouth, face, hands or feet; fainting (syncope); jaundice (rare, but serious); difficulty swallowing or breathing; loss of taste; allergic reaction (e.g., respiratory congestion, sneezing, itching or skin rashes); headache; vomiting; abnormally fast heartbeat (tachycardia); diarrhea; abdominal pain/ cramps/ distention/ swelling (with or without nausea or vomiting); drowsiness, weakness or fatigue; chest pain; nausea or upset stomach; renal (kidney) failure, or kidney function decline; etc.

Approved by the FDA in November of 2000, the side effects of telmisartan may include respiratory tract infection, back pain, sinus inflammation, diarrhea, fever, headaches, dizziness, rash, fatigue/ tiredness, little or no urine, appetite loss, muscle pain/weakness, nausea and vomiting, jaundice, change in heart rhythm, etc.

The above lists of side effects are by no means complete; neither does the shortness or the length of list indicate one is necessarily better than the other. It’s a question of which one drug-takers prefer to have—or in most cases, which one their doctors prefer to prescribe to them—as opposed to the other.

Despite the higher costs involved, some users are reportedly pleased with the “new” drug, which got rid of their persistent symptom(s) that result from taking the previous. “What a good thing it (the “new” thing) is!” they heave a sigh of relief. But, aren’t they “robbing Peter to pay Paul” all the same? By that phrase, I mean: stopping one problem at the expense of another part of your body; the manifestation(s) of the new drug may be hidden now, but they will surely resurface; it’s a question of time. They haven’t escaped from the vicious cycle, have they? Is it not merely transferring one set of undesirable effects to another, perhaps even more harmful 3 (we don’t know at this stage, really!), set of unwanted effects? Call this advancement? Who do we really listen to? Well, might I suggest you first try this potion, “Tell me Lord God” it’s filled with power; first thing that you’ll get is the pure wisdom to do the right thing! But don't stop there. Act upon it!

How do you people who are in effect guinea pigs for one drug after another really feel? Sorry about the term used. But in effect, you are under some trial run all the time when you just take whatever is being given; and then you change, often unquestionably, when new drugs are recommended. Ok, I know the drugs keep you functional, for one. Given it’s saved your life once or even twice! And, how thankful you must have been, I understand that. You may also say, “There’s no other choice!” My response to that remark is: “Is that really so? Have you further investigated for your OWN self to find out if there’s really no other choice? Plain slothfulness or pure ignorance doesn’t get one anywhere!” Apart from improved function of body part(s) or organ(s), have you ever questioned the futility of it all? I wonder if you ever asked yourself, “Have I been, or am I really being, fooled around?” “Have I done my best to explore options to get me out of the rut?” 4

Can you guess what is going to be the next popular medication to replace telmisartan? Maybe, it’ll be sartankikmiass! (who knows!) or whatever!

Is drug switching the real solution to the problem of hundreds of millions of sufferers who are enduring the side effects, many on a daily basis? Aren’t all drugs toxic (I’d say they are; refer to LD505)? Don’t all drugs ultimately lead one to a slow but sure, earlier-than-anticipated death6, which is similar to the case of the animals tested in the laboratory (wherein experimenters probably stop killing the animals after 50% of the population have died7); nevertheless, the animals die slow and painful deaths, much to the anger of some animal rights groups8)? Strength of toxicity is one thing; bio-accumulation of toxins (which usually occurs in the organs, which are where the accumulated toxins are most ruinous) is quite another matter to be contended with.

Telmisartan! Are you credible this time, or are you fooling me again?

Ah, I started you thinking, didn’t I? Write me, Raymond Chee, at info@FocusOnTotalHealth.net with comments or queries. I welcome them.

1 Angiotensin-converting enzyme

2 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/printerfriendlynews.php?newsid=119861

3 Could this resemble the parable told of a house delivered of an evil spirit, but because it was not quickly occupied by the right occupants, the same spirit came back with seven other spirits more wicked than itself to haunt it again (Matthew 12:43-45)? The end result? You imagine yourself!

4 Read more…

5 “In toxicology, the median lethal dose, LD50(abbreviation for “Lethal Dose, 50%”), or LCt50 (Lethal Concentration & Time) of a toxic substance or radiation is the dose required to kill half the members of a tested population” –Wikipedia.com. Even Vitamin C, a supposedly “health” food that can be purchased at all health stores, can be toxic; it depends on the dosage for the individual—medium to long-term continued usage of small doses of Vitamin C should be questioned, let alone large doses of it.

6 Or, PPM in Malay or Indonesian (=Perlahan Perlahan Mati)

7 Usually experts or doctors would stop when patients can’t handle a drug anymore, or when they discover that the revealed outcome(s) of continued usage are simply too unbearable for, or are simply too risky for them to carry on recommending or prescribing the same drug to, the patient. A change of medication, understandably, then becomes essential. Does this seem like a likely scenario for the change of preference to telmisartan? Maybe it’s due to market forces drawing them irresistibly to switch drugs!

8 If only they’d rise to defend the rights of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of human beings who yearly die ignorantly as a result of continuous drug intake for many years! No doubt, countless have died in vain! Are humans more valuable, or animals?

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


This is awesome!

Widen your spirit, turn on the speakers, sit back, relax, flow with it, and


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Divine Appointment, Prodigal Son, Purgatory, God’s Grace, and Justification by Faith

This afternoon, I met a fine Christian lady who was later joined by her lovely daughter and grand-daughter. I was blessed to have met them. The following is an excerpt of what I wrote to her daughter after our meeting (I’ve not revealed her name to avoid embarrassing her):

“Hi xxxxxx,

It was my pleasure meeting you and your mother and daughter at xxxxxxxx this afternoon. Fancy meeting like that; I was positioned such that we could talk. I had no intention to speak. But as it turned out, we did. I believe it was not coincidental, but by divine appointment that we met, just as your mum said at least a couple of times that it was God who arranged it, for a purpose.

You surely have a tremendously cute daughter, always willing to serve mum and always cheerful at doing so. How blessed you are! Oh, what a sight to see daughter helping mother like that. Also, how blessed too is your daughter, to have such a caring mum like you! No doubt you are a very sacrificially loving mum, wanting the VERY best for her daughter. And how marvelous the expression of that love through your own mouth! You would rather spare her suffering by having her go first (I meant die first here) , than for her to be left an orphan, i.e., without you to help her (correct me if I'm wrong). Your love for your daughter is beyond description, and that’s commendable. And no doubt through your daily actions too, you are showering that agape love upon your daughter, Lotus. That, in a small way, reminds me of the love of God our Heavenly Father for us all.

How wonderful when we know FOR CERTAIN (100%, with no doubt whatsoever!) His amazing love and grace towards us (His undying, unsolicited, unmerited, undeserved, and unearned grace!), as seen in the parable of the Prodigal Son, where the father did not condemn his son but instead RAN towards him upon first sight of him. The father KISSED his undeserving, sinful son’s face upon first contact with him when he returned in repentance. And not only did the father kiss his son: he even HUGGED, with gladness, his child’s undoubtedly filthy and smelly sewer-soaked body (from living among the pigs and eating pig’s food); he did all that he did without the slightest thought of any undesirable consequences.1 Such was daddy’s love for his own lost child (considered dead) who was found (and alive again)!

With those unexpected welcoming gestures, the father in the parable received his prodigal son back to his home. It was NOT because of the son’s work or merit that He accepted him. In the same way, our gracious Heavenly Father will do to his lost children who repent and return in faith to Him just what the father in the parable did.

Eternal life is a FREE, unmerited, undeserved and unachieved gift from the Father through the Son of God, Jesus, BECAUSE of His great MERCY towards us sinners. Hence, NO ONE will ever be able to boast in heaven (Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3:5---notice the sure word, “saved,” is in past tense. That means you can be assured (or made sure) of heaven NOW, not in the future, it is that blessed assurance in our hearts that eternal life WAS/ HAS BEEN RECEIVED, not EARNED/ ACHIEVED/ WORKED FOR). Our righteous deeds are like filthy rags; they will amount to nothing as far as salvation is concerned! 2 YOU (and I) can NEVER be GOOD enough or DONE enough to get your (or mine) salvation! What a God we have!

If you haven’t done so already, I would encourage and challenge you to RECEIVE that unspeakably wonderful present TODAY. And having done that, do thank God daily for salvation. Thanking God expresses your faith in Him. That’s faith in action. And this faith will without doubt lead you home to Heaven, where you belong (and ONLY by faith, and faith alone, will that happen to you. Do NOT depend on your feelings, because they are just emotions, never always reliable.). May the verse that convicted Martin Luther of the truth that set his soul free, “The just (or righteous) shall LIVE 3 by faith” 4 also convict you, and make you free from that same burden which Luther bore for so many years.

This brings to mind a song I love, “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine!” which I have listed below. How true the wordings! I was blessed even as I meditated on the first verse again:

1. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.
This is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long;
this is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long.

2. Perfect submission, perfect delight,
visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
angels descending bring from above
echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

3. Perfect submission, all is at rest;
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
watching and waiting, looking above,
filled with his goodness, lost in his love.

I hope you like the lyrics too, as I did.

I hope and trust that you have read the 4 Spiritual Laws I gave you, and that it has blessed you. If not, please do yourself and your daughter a favour: take your bed time to read it to your daughter. You will be truly blessed.

Please feel free to call me if you want to discuss the above further.

Trust we can meet again some time in the near future. Do keep in touch. We can have a cuppa together sometime, if you like.

1 On top of all his unusual, uncalled-for welcoming gestures, the father ORDERED the ARRANGEMENT of a BIG BANQUET to CELEBRATE his SON'S RETURN home, much to the deep chagrin, and even the wrath, of the hardworking older son of his! The older son may have envied all the lavish love/blessings showered upon his undeserving brother, who has squandered his father's property with prostitutes. Moreover, the older brother must have thought that his younger brother did not deserve such kind treatment; rather, he deserved the worst---even severe punishment from the father---for all his misdeeds.

2 “No one is righteous because of the fact that we are all sinners, and therefore stand condemned according to the Law; hence, even our works of righteousness are not, and will never be, enough to justify us before the holy God (Romans. 3:10-12, 20-25, 28-30). Only the just God can make us sinners justified or righteous before Him; He did this through Jesus Christ, the Righteous One, who was without any sin, guilt or blemish (2 Corinthians 5:21)! We are justified and made new (born again) in Christ (2 Cor 5:17-20; John 3:3).

An interesting Read here:

You might want to read more:

, especially the 3rd blog.

3 ‘live’ means not just living while we are on earth, but also for all eternity in heaven with Jesus.

4 Habbakuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38.

Forgive me for such a long email. I admire you for having read this far. Glory be to God!

Wishing you all the very best in your biz and future endeavours.

Kind Regards,
Raymond Chee

Email : info@FocusOnTotalHealth.net
Website: http://www.FocusOnTotalHealth.net

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Why do People Want to Live Long Lives?

Man has always been interested in longevity
since the beginning of time. While we were child-
ren, we wished we remained as children so we
could enjoy our games and playgrounds longer,
while at times thinking how nice it would be if
we were to become adults real fast so we could
do the things we children couldn't do! But when
we reached adulthood, oh, how we longed to stay
young all the time! And when we reached middle
age, time became more and more precious, and
we earnestly desired never to become old or simp-
ly vowed never to get old too quickly!1 Then
when we became old, we'd no doubt craved to
live on, except that we realized that we had to
accept reality, especially when sickness set in!
So we reluctantly resigned ourselves to the fact
that our days were coming to an end, even as we
counted the number of days left for us to dwell
on this earth. But some of us die-hards still
hoped against all hopes that somehow we could
still live longer. For some, they even resorted
to freezing their dying bodies, or had requested
to have theirs frozen2 before they died, in the
hope that one day, a cure might be found, and
they can then be defrosted and cured to live on,
and on.....

We are truly creatures of immortality, or at
least, ones with a yearning to forever stay
young (which is why so many risk their health
by dyeing their hair in order not to let their
grayness defy their passion to remain, or at
least appear, youthful). And not only that, we
are also the only earthly creatures who never
want to die! Someone said something like this
once: "We are creatures that have a void which
only the eternal God can fill." We are undoubt-
edly eternal beings that have lost our
immortality because God left us at one stage
because of sin, thereby leaving in our hearts
a vacuum for immortality, yet never quite
making it on our own. Which is why we hunger
and thirst for everlasting life, and failing
that, to live long.

Good thing there are groups of people in this
world of ours who show by life how they live
long (long, at least according to our present
frame of mind because this is still a rarity);
they remind us that long life beyond 100 is
still possible. For further reading, kindly
refer to the previous blog.

1This is the reason why baby-boomers' spending on anti-aging products and services in the U.S.A. has been spiking, and will hit US$72 million in 2009, according to "Nutraceuticals International," a trade publication (as quoted in Peter Keating's article, "Antiaging Clinics Are Gaining in Popularity" in SmartMoney, July 9, 2008).

2Cryonics uses extreme cold temperatures to preserve the life of a person who is dying, to wait until such time when the technology is available to reverse the process, and bring the person back to life. There're people who resort to this approach out of fear of dying, or simply because they hate to leave life and its abundances behind.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

What do People who Live Long Lives know that the rest of us don't?

In recent times, three places have particu-
larly been picked by researchers for studies
pertaining to why people from these places live
longer, have far less diseases, and enjoy longer
years of healthy lives than most places in the
world. They are:

1) Okinawa islands, Japan
2) Sardinia Island, Italy, and
3) Loma Linda, California, U.S.A (among the
Seventh-Day Adventist).

These places produce more centenarians than else-
where. So just what do these centenarians know
and do that we don't?

Dan Buettner writes for National Geographic
magazine about their secrets.

For an excerpt of the article, refer:

The Secrets of Long Life

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