Unknown to most

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Why Many Remain in Valley of Sickness and Suffering?

Why valley?

Because a valley is sandwiched by at least two mountains (areas of resistance, doubts, difficulties and daunting challenges) on both sides; the only option available, it seems to many people, is either up or down the valley. The easier way, of course, is down the valley, not up. So they won’t or can’t go any further than what their limited available means will take them. Their thinking limits them; in other words, their success is limited by their mind, and consequently their effort. Because of the spirit of lack and poverty, they feel that they are doomed to fail. For the weak of hearts and bodies, the valley usually becomes their valley where they stagnate and lose sight of any solution to their predicament. It soon signifies their valley of sickness, premature aging and death. This is the place wherein lay the bones of all the people of old that had once trodden there but found no way out. This is because they did not manage to venture out of it, nor did they have the panoramic views that mountains could provide to enable them to see afar the vast resources (including financial ones), provisions and solutions to their seemingly unsolvable problems. Many people of today are the same. They have somehow lost hope, and what not.

How true the saying, “Where there is no vision, the people perish...” (Prov 29:18)!

So why do many people remain in the valley of sickness, suffering and death? Below are just some of the possibly many reasons (but I think, they are the main ones) that came to my mind:

1. They have a care-less heart, or couldn’t-care-less attitude. They do not know the dangers or the level of risks, perhaps. They don’t want to know how to get out of the valley. In other words, they hate to learn. They ignore, or choose to ignore, what is plain before them or what is said. They just couldn’t be bothered! I’ve met many such people.

2. They deliberately flout health laws, knowing fully well the consequences. They purposely want to have a good time. They love to satisfy the lust for food, or alcoholic drinks, or whatever it may be… They love to gratify the lust of the flesh.

3. Not listening to good reasoning, i.e., they are not open to reason. Instead, they continue to be steeped in their own unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits, and/or all kinds of medical treatments or therapies which may benefit a little, but ultimately are not going to save them from their dire sick state. (See also Reasons #4 and #5 below.)

4. Even if they listened to the right advice, they brush the advice aside. The saying, “Familiarity breeds contempt,” is so true for them. I have a friend who recently said to me, “Tell me something new!” Meaning to say, “I have had enough of what you’ve been sharing. Stop it now!” I meant no harm but good for him. But he did not take it too kindly. He and numerous other similar souls refused to be convinced. They refused to do anything about their chronic health problems, knowing fully well my concerns for them. If they have not acted on what they know the first time round, the second or subsequent times round may be less and less likely for them to do so. Their itching ear longs to hear from someone else that “something new” which they are looking for; but that something new may be the very thing that could hurt them and cost them severely in the medium, if not, the long term. Little do they realize the truth of the saying, “Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” (Prov 27:5, 6)

5. Outright refusal to be corrected, or to change. Points #3 and #4 are connected to this point. “The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise (Prov 15:31).” By rejecting reproofs or advice, they are indeed not wise! In the end, not only do they not receive any benefit; they suffer for it!

6. They are suspicious, or are doubtful, of the party who is trying to help out; for fear that the latter is trying to make money out of them or is simply up to no good. Some people are always untrusting; they always imagine that the whole world is out to get them—to cheat them! So, by their own doing, they missed out on the only life-line that could have taken them out of their trouble or danger within the valley. They are afraid to try new things, or for that matter, anything that can help them.

7. They are not obtaining, or desire to obtain, true knowledge or wisdom. So they go on living and eating as they wish, totally oblivious of the risks. Unawareness, ignorance and foolishness are no bliss. Often, they breed health problems and eventual destruction. The Scripture rings clearly: “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge… (Hosea 4:6a)” Proverbs 18:15 states, “The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.”

8. They don’t see the value of getting out of their situation, or the value of the solution that is placed before them.”

9. For many, even when they see the value, they are too stingy to fork out the money—despite the fact that they can well afford it—to buy back their health. They love their money more than their—or their parents’ or loved ones’—health! Sad, isn’t it?

The above nine reasons will suffice for now. Look out for more reasons next time…

Till then,
Choose right knowledge and vision—


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