Unknown to most

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's Easier To Follow The Current -- Dying For What You Believe. Think Again!

This is a well-known fact of life: It's easier to swim with the current than to swim against it.

While the above is true some of the time, it's not always the case.

We have to know exactly where we want to land because most people do not land where they ought or must, if they land at all. Destination is vital.

For instance, when you happen to fall out of a boat or ship, you have to be sure which position you fell in relation to it. The rear end or elsewhere. In the former case, the current might draw you into the ship's propellor where you will be shredded to pieces. You must always swim away from the rear area of the ship or boat. Yes, even against the current!

In deep water, you want to swim to where a float or a life-buoy is, if one is available nearby. Otherwise, any floating object (e.g., a log or a timber plank) is better than none. This will enable you to assess the actual situation more accurately before you make the next move. Assuming you can swim, you want to know where the current is flowing, where your help is (if available), where safe-landing might be, etc, etc.

There are so many factors to consider as far as personal safety is concerned when you find yourself in trouble. You have been given a brain to think. And think carefully you must when it comes to the crunch because more than likely, it will save your life.

Remember, when in trouble, always use your common sense and seek the wisdom from above. How many people really do this? Most people throw out their common sense and as a result are sucked into the whirlpool where they get into deeper trouble, and before they realise it they find themselves facing a life and death situation.

Unfortunately, that's exactly where the problem lies for many a soul. The problem with a lot of people is that they are too lazy to think, and they find themselves believing the most charismatic, most compelling or more convincing of speakers. They, sadly, are easily smooth-talked into believing or doing something that is preached to them.

One example is the religion so many people are clinging on to today. Aside from the cultism and minor religions, the main religions of the world are poles apart. Yet we find people who are willing to die for their faith or for a cause...blindly! What exactly is the overriding factor(s) that cause(s) people to take such drastic measures?

Is it emotions? Well, emotions often mislead. Most people accept because it is a custom or it just seems or feels right. But relying on our feelings or emotions can be extremely dangerous.

Or is it because we have been indoctrinated by a certain brand of teaching that causes us to abandon our intact thinking cap?

But how can we get out of this kind of trap?

Seek wise counsel, preferably from a variety of people from different backgrounds or those whom we think are full of maturity and wisdom. Do a bit of research. Think and think again.

Dying for a specific cause? Is it worth dying for? What is the rationale for my action or would-be action?

Ask, "Is it true?" "Which is religion is correct?" "Can I believe it? "Is there a basis for faith?" "Or, what are the facts, if any, supporting our belief in a particular teaching or doctrine?"

Check. Check. Check.

Above all, pray hard.

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